Office Bearers 2008-2009

AGM - June 14th at 12:30 p.m. at Casey Thampoe's home.

The Annual general Meeting of Bens' Alumni Association New York was held on June 14th at 12:30 p.m. at Casey Thampoe's home.  We thank Casey and Virginia for volunteering to host the meeting. 

The committee members were in full attendance and the present office bearers were elected to continue serving through next year.

The evening concluded with dinner.









Office Bearers 2008-2009

Vice Patron
• Ranjit Swaris
• Julian Fernando
Vice President
• Anton Anandappa
• Joe Bonjean Thampoe
• Rajika Mallawaaratchy
• G. Yogarajah

Rev. Fr. Tyrell Alles
Anton Anandappa
Chitra Benedict
Nimal Fernando
Rajika Mallawaaratchy
Dennis Ramenadan
Anthony Soosaipillai
Ranjit Swaris
Joe Bonjean Thampoe
Basti Thampoe