The Ben’s Alumni Association enjoys a history unparalleled in the United States of America. Since its birth in 1988, it has provided Old Bens in the Tri State area the means to be productive citizens in accordance with Lasallian traditions.
The primary mission of the Association is to raise and contribute funds to better the education and extracurricular activities at St. Benedict's. The previous President, Juventinus Thampoe, started the Manhattan College Project, which sends Manhattan College students to visit Colombo to take part in teaching activities. Since assuming the role of president in July of 2007, I have been working diligently with the committee to expand the project for sports education.
Thampoe introduced the idea of a scholarship in the name of the late Edward Benedict. Our current committee will continue to advocate the idea and make it a reality.
I am particularly pleased that the Association’s AGM will be celebrated as a reward for all of the Committee members who have worked over the years to keep the association going. It is a tribute to all of those who have gone before us. Without them, none of this would have been possible.
Congratulations to Bens Alumni Association of New York on publishing their own website. The idea of developing the website was in limbo for about two years. But today, we have reached a milestone. The intent was to establish a communication portal to OBUs around the world.
May all committee members and visitors enjoy the benefits of our website!